I don’t know about you, but in years past I have caught myself saying this has been the worst year of my life? Well, I think we are all in agreement this “thing” called 2020 has been the craziest year of our lives. No need to say it out loud, because after all we know what has happened, but let’s not focus on the negative and look to all of the great things that has happened in 2020. Hold tight, it is going to take me a minute to think of a few things…. (crickets chirping)

For starters I and as well as my business partner, Samantha Beers-Boyington, who owns the Walnut Street Bakery, realized that 2 people can run 2 businesses without employees and not die!

2020 has provided Casablanca Designs with some new and amazing customers, we have been able to send JOY through the art of flowers and bringing smiles to an otherwise dreary year. Our community rallied around our small businesses and we were able to give back to our local Seneca Middle School with new benches for their court yard areas.

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” Anne Frank, I love this quote and i personally try to live by this motto everyday of my life. I realized this year that one person can make a difference and be the change, when they have the support of a community. Casablanca Designs, Walnut Street Bakery, City of Seneca & the Ram Cat Alley merchants, pulled off the most amazing Prom Night Under the Stars for the graduates of Oconee County. We could not let this milestone in life pass them by without a proper prom and to see the excitement and joy on these young people faces made my heart soar, to say I shed tears of happiness was an understatement.

We saw the BEST of mankind, neighbor helping neighbor, a community rallying together after an EF3 tornado destroyed our community on April 13, 2020. At that moment, there was no virus only friends providing a comforting hug to give a moment of peace during great sorrow. We saw a community rise up from the ashes, we saw SENECA STRONG! (Goodness, I am crying again while writing this and remembering all the love that was shared)

We have seen and felt the importance of gathering together with friends, family and attending church to fellowship and worship the Lord. We have realized not to take things that are so common to us for granted. We have come to realize how much we have been given by GREAT men and women who have sacrificed so much to give us our freedom in this great land, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!! We have come to appreciate the significance and vital role attending church and gathering together with other believers. It is not a mundane event, but a privilege that we should fight desperately to maintain.

Most of all I have seen in my own personal life the GREAT FAITHFULNESS OF GOD!! July 2020 was a month of drastic change, one that I certainly did not expect. However, through the struggle and winds of change, God has shown me, HE will provide, HE will protect, HE will bring JOY out of ashes and HIS plans are far greater than our plans.

As we stand at the threshold of 2020 in the past, getting ready to take the next step into a new year, I can look back at the path that was once straight and see all of the snares that rose up to over take me, and how the hand of God spared me from them all. Looking ahead I see the journey before me and I am reminded to not look at the path, because what seems straight will surely be deceiving, but to keep my eyes on Jesus Christ, hold his hand and NEVER let go.