Has Amazon Ruined Us All?

I know, I know, I just said something horrible about the most beloved company in America. But wait, before you take me out to the firing range and take me down like a wild animal let me explain the reason for being ruined by Amazon. As you all very well know we live in an instant gratification society, we want it ALL and we want it NOW! Isn’t that a commercial or something, because now I have some song stuck in my head? We, including yours truly, has this pesky thing that rares its ugly head when I am inconvenience or I needed something yesterday, it’s called impatience. We don’t like to talk about it, because we would never dream that we are impatient, but at times we are all guilty of hugging up to this monster.

In this age of Amazon, get everything to you in 2 hours or less, we have become shall I scream it from the rooftops, VERY IMPATIENT AND RUDE!! Yes, we are ALL guilty of this, and don’t say you are not because you would be fooling yourself. I would say I can’t blame you, because after all in our society today it is expected that we should have everything we want right now, but not for throwing kindness to the wind and being rude to our fellow man.

Let me help you understand this better. The other day I was waiting on my pizza in a local pizza joint. While sitting there watching the staff create my pizza, a lady walks in and gives her name, the sweet girl behind the counter says, “they are boxing it up now”. Well you would have thought she said, we have to go milk the cow to make the cheese to put on the pizza, because the lady proceeds to go ballistic that her pizza was not ready because her app and her name on the board told her it was ready. The cashier does explain to her it will be out in 1 minute and the lady continues to berate the young girl, because the app said it was ready NOW!!! Whoa, stop the madness!! Now you understand why I say Amazon and other get your stuff in 5 minutes app has ruined our society.

Why in the world should we not be KIND to others? After all that is what we are called to do by our creator. Kindness goes along way in helping others to feel compassion. We truly have no idea what someone is going through in their lives, but the moment you lend a hand, give a word of encourage, or share a simple smile, you have given that person a reason to hope. Kindness doesn’t cost you a thing, however is worth everything.

So the next time you are feeling the need to be snappy, rude or have a “it’s all about me” moment, remember, it is better to be kind than to be right.

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” Anne Frank